Writing Week1

Watch the movie and write a paragraph from the point of view of one of the creatures as the caterpillar meets them. Describe your creature first using interesting words. Eg The slimy blue snail with the stripy shell looked up as the green caterpillar arrived....


  1. The Purple and black striped fluffy spider with big bright eyes swung infront of the yellow and green caterpillar with lots of shoes on. " I have never seen a caterpillar with lots of shoes on" said the spider. He got a big surprise when the caterpillar gave him all of his purple slippers. His 8 feet would be nice and warm now. He swung happily back to the top of the branch.

  2. The shiny grey and black beetle with brilliant blue eyes scuttled around as the green caterpillar with lots of shoes on gave him a fright! The beetle let our a yelp and the caterpillar said 'I am sorry I didn't mean to startle you, would you like some of my shoes?' the caterpillar said, the beetle said yes please I like the look off those wooden ones. The caterpillar said 'yeah sure you can have them the hurt my feet too much' they were the perfect fit for the beetle. The End.

  3. The little brown earth worm came out and found the caterpillar looking for someone to give the shoes... the caterpillar said you don't need a shoes, and the little earthworm said back NO thank you .

  4. The caterpillar was walking around looking for someone to take his nice shoes. But then he came across a stick insect but he did not see it he must of been looking for some shoes as the stick insect folded his arms very disappointed. But then a crazy fly came in and woke up all of the other brown stick insects.

  5. The Little caterpillar sow a wood bug he said would you like my wooden shows the bug said yes thank you.

  6. Fairy Bother Ian mc pean donlds dean!!12 October 2015 at 22:13

    The big green Caterpillar had one more shoe so he put on a big red leaf and then a flee came buy and jumped into a shoe and said this shoe is big and all my friends can stay to

  7. The little caterpillar saw a little snail and said, " Do you want two shoes?" " Yes," said the snail. So he hoped in a shoe he couldn't have two because he only had one slimy feet.

  8. foot i meant.

  9. One bright sunny morning a little green caterpillar decided that his shoes were too little for him. So he set off looking for another little animal that might like his shoes. First he met a tiny slater that could roll into a ball if any animal that might eat it came by. The caterpillar asked if he would like his wooden clogs. The slater said, "Yes, they'll stop my feet hurting on the stones that are on the ground"! So the caterpillar said "Goodbye" and he looked for another animal to try his shoes on.

  10. A little caterpillar saw a blue snail the caterpillar said " do you want two shoes?" yes! said the snail and got in one and said. " I can run now" and the caterpillar gave the last shoe to some fleas.

  11. ytnoj jonty aullnutt13 October 2015 at 22:32

    The black hairy,scary spider was just hanging around when he swooped down to the caterpillar and the caterpillar said "do you want a pair of my slippers"?. The spider said
    "yes" i would like a pair of your slippers.

  12. The spider was purple and stripy his 8 legs were long, black and skinny. He felt excited when the caterpillar gave him 8 shoes.

  13. The sticky purple spider was hanging from a branch and there by she saw a yellow green caterpillar. The caterpillar said ''Would you like my pink warm slippers?'' and the spider said
    "Yes''. So the caterpillar gave 8 warm slippers to the sticky purple spider.

  14. the caterpillar got tired of walking and eating and gave the shiny beetle a pair of shiny and hard shoes.

  15. There was a caterpillar who had lots of feet and lots of shoes. His shoes were starting to hurt him, so he found a few friends to give his old shoes too. He first gave one pair to a slater, then a spider, then a snail, then a flea came and the caterpillar gave him a shoe to live in. Then he turned into a beautiful butterfly.

  16. The tiny black jumpy flea, was sitting on a green leaf when it met a long green caterpillar with yellow stripes. The caterpillar asked the little flea if it wanted to have it's last shoe. The grateful flea was very happy to have a blue shoe as it's home because it had lots of space and he invited all his friends and family to live with him.
